Wednesday, May 1, 2002

Some Difficult Times

Hi there .....

I think the last time I wrote (I hope YOU check this site more often than I DO! :) ) it covered February and part of March. Since then, my dear friend and webmaster of this site - Dean Hampton scared us anb went into the hospital. Very glad and relieved to have him BACK! Also, my Dear Grandmother was ill, so much of my family gathered around in Omaha - some difficult times.

As for gigs: We had a great time (as always) at Birdland, had Danny and Bob there, and worked with drummer Jon Wikan who's a great person and very talented. Danny and Bob never fail to make great music and a groove. Then to KC at the very cool, old Uptown Theatre for a concert - always great to be back in KC.

On to St Louis (which I don't visit often enough - especially being from KC) at “Jazz at the Bistro” for four nights - a lovely club with a wonderful jazz series. I had my whole KC band there - Danny, Paul, Bob and Todd. That's indeed a pleasure. To get to play so much of our repertoire together again is a treat and really enjoyed the crowds there.

Back in NYC now, enjoying a beautiful (if a little apprehensive) Spring. Been preparing for the next project (which is now due out August 13) and we are excited about it. Getting ready to leave the country for a month (Japan & London). People often wonder what musicians do during the DAY! That always makes me laugh. It's a busy life, things don't happen out of thin air, so there's so much preparation, recovery (!) from travel, getting caught up... trying to have a life. Let alone trying to practice or work on music! Always great to get home for awhile, but I'm USUALLY ready to go again when it happens. Be safe and enjoy the beautiful outdoors. Go hear some music! (Another thing I like to do with 'time off' is go hear others.) Thank you for visiting and for listening.

Til next time .....

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